Søren Holm
Professor of Bioethics
What are your research interests?
The ethics of the introduction of AI into health care and other contexts.
What is the focus of your current research?
The importance of, and connection between explainability and contestability of AI advice/decisions in users’ and patients’ assessments of AI use.
What are some projects or breakthroughs you wish to highlight?
An initial definition of ‘contestability’ in collaboration with Professor Thomas Ploug, Aalborg University. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0933365720301330
What memberships and awards do you hold/have you held in the past?
I am a former President of the Europeans Society for the Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care, and of the International Association of Bioethics..
What is the biggest challenge in Data Science and AI right now?
Getting the balance right between the protection of data subjects and their interests in controlling the use of their data, and the need for access to large, unbiased data sets.
What real world challenges do you see Data Science and AI meeting in the next 25 years?
Diagnostic and treatment choice decision-support across health care.