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ELLIS Summer School on Machine Learning for Healthcare and Biology | 11-13 June 2024

Following the success of the 2023 event, Manchester’s European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) unit hosted their second Summer School from 11-13 June 2024, bringing participants up-to-speed on the latest methods and technologies in machine learning with a focus on healthcare and biology. The school included a set of Lectures by renowned researchers at the intersection of ML and Healthcare and Biology, and with an excellent track record of delivering educational content.

Speaking at this year’s event were:

You can find the full programme here.

ELLIS Summer School Scholarship: now closed

ELLIS Manchester is committed to fostering diversity and inclusive in research and acknowledges the financial challenges faced by researchers from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. To address this issue, we opened applications for our ‘ELLIS Manchester Development Scholarship’, aimed at providing financial assistance to applicants facing economic hardships during their research pursuits. Funded places are now all filled, and 10 successful candidates will be attending this year. 

ELLIS Manchester Summer School 2023

To find out more about what our summer schools are like, you can view full details of our 2023 summer school here and view the 2023 talks via our youtube playlist below.